TEMPORAL Chapter 1 – First Meet


Chapter 1 – First Meet

Author : Park Nara

Tittle : Temporal – First Meet

Category : Adult, Romance, Happy, Chapter

Cast : Park Nara Lee Donghae

Other cast : *NONE*


Gangnam Apartement Flower Park, Seoul, South Korea January, 17th 2015. Saturday Night, 17.09 KST




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The Flower Garden

The Flower Garden

~Thalla Present~

Hari cerah ini mengantarkan seorang gadis menuju tempat favorite-nya. Kebun bunga. Yah, kebun itu dibuat olehnya dan Lee Donghae, seorang pelindung dan cinta pertamanya.
Hubungan mereka memang belum terlalu lama. Baru empat bulan. Tapi mereka sudah berteman sejak kecil, jadi tak perlu mencari tahu lebih jauh satu sama lain. Toh mereka sudah mengatahui semuanya, bukan?

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Super Junior 7jib MAMACITA Thanks To

Super Junior Biased

Leeteuk Trans:
I wanted to become happy.. I always have been looking for the key to happiness. Now, I think I have found that key to happiness. Being able to wake up in the morning, meet people I want to meet, and laugh together and cry together…. Beloved family… Beloved members.. Beloved all family members of SM.. Beloved fans… I now realized that everything I’ve always felt is the key to happiness. I want to feel this happiness with everyone. Thank you, and thank you again; I love you, and I love you.. I hope everyone reading this post will be full of happiness and love.. I love you..!!

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Super Junior 7th Album MAMACITA Tracklist and Mp3 Download Links